It’s that time of year again, ah yes. SPRING CLEANING. These words can instantly send chills down the spine of fashionistas across the globe. Parting ways with some of your favourite clothes may be harder than any break-up you’ve ever been through, but with these 5 options on what to do with your beloved pieces once you’ve purged, you might even feel a little bit better without the help of ice cream and romantic comedies.
- Sell/Consign
While cleaning out your closet and getting rid of your clothes is not your ideal Friday night, it only makes way for more beautiful items to introduce to your wardrobe.. Not to mention you might even be able to make it into a mini business #BossLady. Selling or consigning your barely worn items can be a great way to not feel so bad about losing them, at least you know they are going to a good home. Using mediums such as ebay, craigslist, or various Facebook groups that participate in the act of buying and selling clothes (eg: Vancouver Fashion Collective), you can make a quick buck and go out there and get some more designer friends for your newly emptied closet. Consignment is also a growing industry with many local shops offering consignment options. Consignment shops offer you a price for your designer clothes taking away the stress of the selling process. Get that paper girl.
- Donate
Making money is cool and all, but nothing will ever feel as good as donating. That smile on your face will be hard to wipe off after donating your clothes to charity or goodwill. Just knowing you’re giving someone the experience and the same thrill you get from wearing your beautiful pieces can be extremely gratifying. Now that you’re done with them, let someone else have a turn!
- Lend To Flaunt Fashion Library
If you’re on the fence about parting ways with your designer pieces permanently, look into the Flaunt Lender program. This program allows for you to lend your dresses to their exclusive library for women to rent for a couple days, while you get a cut. The Lender will be allowed to reserve their item for personal wear anytime during the consignment period provided the item has not been reserved by another customer during the requested time period. This is the best of both worlds. (More info on the Lender Program)
- Host A Clothing Swap
Now here’s a fun way to get your hands on that stunning piece that your friend was wearing and in return you swap one of your precious items from your purge. Elizabeth Manuntag’s (Instagram @the stylesaver_) mentioned this great tip for freeing your closet and also provided some great insights into the world of clothes swapping. Check out the link above to read some of them!
- Get Crafty
Now if none of the above sound like your cup of tea and you have a little more of a creative bone in your body, you can always make a new use from your fantastic fabrics. Take a look through various Pinterest boards to find the best thing to make out of your used clothes. Create reuseable shopping bags with your old t-shirts or upcycle your old sweaters into a chic quilt. There are endless options for DIY projects that you can tackle and make a fun project out of!
Share some ideas for what you do with your fab finds once you’ve finished spring cleaning below